Hotel Booking System with Express Js

Till last project I have been creating web pages and dealing with only frontend part of the page but this time I have decided to create a full stack hotel booking system which will have a database connected to it to keep the track of all the bookings and activity happening on the webpage.

Problem Statement : Firstly if we see the reason why I developed this and what problem I am solving. I needed to understand how Create, Read, Update and Delete operations happen from the database when someone trigger a event on page and also wanted to create a booking system that any hotel can use.


There are mainly two modules which are USER and ADMIN. Both modules have their own portals, main index file on load gives us the user portal where he can check his bookings, book new rooms, cancel bookings. Admin Section button redirects you to the admin portal which only admins can access with their username and password. it has data of all the users who have booked the room, their payment status and other basic information.


Booking and Cancellation

After clicking Book now, user will be given a form that will contain his/her all the information. Room will be booked after clicking proceed and book button which will send confirmation mail and create user custom booking ID.

For cancellation user have to use same Booking ID which is available in My Bookings section. image.png

Search your own bookings with the help of your email ID image.png

Despite being overused and old idea for project, I decided to do it and I learned so much things in process of developing it. DM's are open so please feel free to give idea for improvements.

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Thank you so much for reading Happy coding !!